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Open port in a sentence

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Sentence count:6Posted:2019-09-05Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: davenportopen-planopen priceinportopen primarydestination portopen the door tochickenpox
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(1) Note: Open port pressure must exceed closed port pressure.
(2) He glanced at the open port - hole.
(3) Do we want to hide this local open port?
(4) Note: Open Port pressure must exceed closed port pressure.
(5) After a couple of treaties , Shanghai was forced to become an open port colonialists.
(6) He whispered, his arms folded on the side of my bed - place, staring through the open port.
More similar words: davenportopen-planopen priceinportopen primarydestination portopen the door tochickenpoxchicken poxbreak-even pointpen palnonporousopen market operationstolen propertyin poor tasteopenopen onopenlyopeneropen upopenedreopenopen outopen-endopen seafall openopen airopen ontoopeningopen-air
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